(+88) 02-47120950, (+88) 01977 717 705

Public Address System

A public address system is an electronic system comprising microphones, amplifiers, loudspeakers, and related equipment. It can be used for general announcements or emergency information, providing a simple way to get information out quickly. It increases the apparent volume of a human voice, musical instrument, or other acoustic sound source or recorded sound or music.

Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC)

Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) is a service agreement from BFST through which we provide scheduled services for ensuring trouble free operation.

Support Levels

We provide immediate response either by phone, e-mail or in person to any of our clients’ queries related to maintenance of the firefighting or safety security system. Our Service Team will respond in a stipulated time to fix the specific fault / problem along with routine maintenance check-up.

Regular Maintenance Support

Regular maintenance is carried out by us for the contracted months and mutually agreed schedules. BFST Service Team will visit the site based on prior schedule to carry out a full system check of your system along with a full Test Report for each visit.

On Call Maintenance Support

We ready to provide On Call Maintenance Support which is available to the Client as per individual Clients’ requirement for any maintenance related issues.